A)To improve education, FADC established a Youth Resource Center (YRC) in partnership with Youth for Peace and Development (YOPED) and Mandera County Government where youth in the County and a cross the border will access education materials on different sectors to build their professional skills. More than 4500 learning materials and books provided for those that have less education or none in order to encourage youth to participate actively and effectively in decision making structures to become agent of change.

To empower youth and women improve their livelihood through skills training as income generation, FADC shall;

1.Support Vocational training centers to empower them earn their livings through the skills gained
2.Establish family life education centers for reproductive health improvement
3.Support activities aimed at improving employment opportunities for trained graduates
4.Put in places mechanisms that will improve future sustainability of vocational training centers
5.Improve linkage with other Skills/ Vocational training Centers for cross learning and experience sharing
6.Combating exploitive child labor, Child Soldiers, human trafficking, and conflict through programs to improve economic opportunities through literacy and job skills training
7.Supporting alternative and transitional education programs that address illiteracy and innumeracy through accelerated learning principles, partnered with practical job skills, leadership and life skills curricula to assist students' transition to more formal learning opportunities or gainful employment.
8.Developing customized internship and mentoring programs to ensure that the trainee has continued support while adapting to a new work or educational environment.

B)FADC is in the final stage of partnership with US Embassy’s “Pay It Forward Project” in Kenya and Start Africa- International Organization based in Washington DC over development and operationalization of youth leadership lab- that supports youth empowerment components such as business skills development, financial empowerment, jobs creation and sustaining African economic growth.

C)FADC conducts Innovative Entrepreneurship idea competition by high school students; compete at county, Nairobi and at Washington DC to compete for Diamond Challenge Africa Award by StartUPAfrica.

D)In partnership with IGAD’s Center of Excellence for Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism (ICEPCVE) 2017, FADC to lead Young African Leaders Innovative Digital Lab in the entire North Eastern Region-Kenya

E)FADC with funding support from Africa Peace Forum (APFO) and CRISP-Germany, 2017 implemented “social ambassador’s dialogue on youth and countering violent extremism in Mandera and Wajir Counties.

F)FADC with funding support of BRICS/DAI developed key deliverables and theory of change to Support Positive Influences to Strengthen Community Resilience to Violent Extremism in Mandera- Kenya 2016 and 2017

The Deputy Chief of Party Mr Ibrahim Somo encouragment remarks